This week I’ve been making in-roads to my BACP Accreditation application.
I say “in-roads” but unfortunately I have encountered many a diversion. There’s been my lovely dog, and walkies time and feeding time and play time and please take notice of me time and the time when he puts his head physically on the keyboard of the laptop and sleeps and the time when he’s just so adorable I find myself staring at him with my dopey, doting, puppy love face on.
Then there’s the kettle. How much tea and coffee do I really want? Well definitely not as much as I’m making and drinking, that’s for sure. (All resulting in many, many trips to the smallest room) and of course there’s the hot drink accompaniments – “A drink’s too wet without”… buttered toast, mini chocolate orange cakes, sandwiches, hot cross buns (I love hot cross buns). Fortunately (for my ever expanding waistline) I have almost emptied the cupboards now.
Today’s diversion came with the suggestion to myself that listening to some music while I worked might keep me in front of the laptop long enough to actually write 900 words about a CPD activity. But, rather than some gentle classical, or some atmospheric whale music, I chose to explore online radio. And then Lauren Laverne, in sound, words and pictures – I think I may have a teeny weeny kind of girl crush on her, but that’s another story (absolutely nothing to worry about Lauren if you’re reading this)! I have not yet resorted to cleaning the entire house or colour coordinating my sock drawer but there’s still plenty of time…
So why is it that I can procrastinate for England rather than focus on the task I have set myself?
Could it be that in developing myself as a therapist and a self-accepting, imperfect human who works hard to live in the moment; trying not worry about things that haven’t happened yet, I have created the perfect conditions for my “instant gratification monkey” to thrive, that is of course until the “panic monster” turns up with an impending deadline around his neck, forcing me to actually get something done?!
Read more about the instant gratification monkey and the panic monster and fun ways to look at life, here
(PS Usually I would have been procrastinating about writing this weekly blog, but this week it has been yet another pleasant diversion from the Accreditation Application process. Off to put the kettle on again now..)